Posts Tagged ‘ending’

BSG ending – not impressed

Sunday, March 22nd, 2009

A while back I wrote about season four of Battlestar Galactica, since then the season improved a lot and I’ve really enjoyed most of the eps of the last half. I watched the last episode earlier today though and I was not impressed with the ending. The first half was good, the showdown between the fleet and the Cylons was intense and put together really well but starting with Cavil blowing off the back of his skull things went down the drain. The ending seemed way too rushed, the religious aspect took over almost completely and the flash-forward of 150 000 years into our present seemed more like a really bad episode of The Twilight Zone than one of the most important episodes of one of my favorite TV shows. Did like the Ron Moore cameo though.

Battlestar Galactica has still been one of the best TV shows ever, but this crappy ending did not satisfy me at all. In the “Last Frakkin Special” it seems like the writers/Ron Moore had troubles coming up with an ending and I think that’s what we saw clear signs of in this last episode. I don’t think another season would have helped at all, but a quicker pace in the  beginning of season 4 would have been a good start. I mean, how would the fractured leadership of the people within the fleet that usually argued about everything (or for that matter the people themselves) just agree with one man’s wish to give up all of their tech and go tribal? I’m not saying that I could have come up with a better ending myself, I probably couldn’t have, but as a scifi fan in general this one did not meet the expectations that have been built up for 4 years of great television (and scifi) storytelling.