December 29th, 2007 by Christian Kullander
Bridgehead by David Drake is a reprint of a 20 year old book and the first book written by Drake that I’ve read. There might be some spoilers ahead, but considering that the title of the book itself is a bit of a spoiler it might not be a problem…
The book is a quick and easy read and I quite like the overall writing style of the author. It’s too bad that this particular story feels a bit dated. The technology descriptions are pretty decent but there are some parts at the end where it becomes very apparent that the science labs aren’t equipped with modern computers and networking. The basic storyline is that at a Professor and his grad students have built a time machine that physically transports people and objects back in time. They were told how to build by a trio that calls themselves the Travelers who claim that they come from a Utopian society 10 000 years in the future. The Travelers have come back in time to make sure that the time machine that is crucial for the development of their perfect future is invented (yes, thinking about this classic time travel paradox might make your head hurt). This is of course not quite true; as the blurb on the back of the book ominously states: “The future isn’t peaceful. The past is not the past.”.
I did enjoy the book, but on the same level as you might enjoy a mediocre movie – a nice way to spend a few hours but it will be quickly forgotten. After being spoilt by reading the works of excellent writers like Peter F Hamilton, Alastair Reynolds etc this book is simply isn’t very good. My rating is 2 out of 5 stars.
Edit: I stumbled upon Drake’s own description of the book, it was an interesting read. Check it out here.
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July 20th, 2007 by Christian Kullander
Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer (FF2) was a bit of a disappointment. I think I’ll have to rewatch the first movie before i decide which one is best, but FF2 might be the better one. I guess my expectations were set a little bit too high.
There are a few obvious problems with FF2 that most of you are probably familiar with already; Galactus is a cloud. the Silver Surfer can’t access his cosmic powers without his board etc. Those are annoying but I guess I can live with them. But why was the movie so short? I don’t think that most movies nowadays are too short, rather the opposite. but FF2 felt more like an episode of high quality television than it felt like the major motion picture it’s supposed to be. There was plenty of situations and possibilities to show character development that could have added a lot to the movie and made us care a bit more about the Fantastic Four. Let’s hope there are at least a few minutes of cut scenes waiting for the DVD, but I would have liked an added 15-20 minutes. The basic story of the movie is of course the Fantastic Fours’s first encounter with the world devouring Galactus. The final outcome of their first(?) battle is of course not very hard to predict…
It’s great that we can just jump into the story right away this time around, even though I think the story of the FF’s origin and first discovery of their powers was the best part of the first movie.
Jessica Alba looks kind of strange with the blonde wig and blue eyes BTW.
I give FF2 3 stars out of 5. Let’s hope that FF3 is a lot better!
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July 4th, 2007 by Christian Kullander
I’m torn. I had a great time a few hours ago when I watched Transformers on the opening night, so you might ask why I feel torn? The thing is, on the one hand the trailers were great, the action sequences were great and the FX were impressive, but on the other hand why was there so many jokes? Lots of them really made me laugh, especially some of the in-jokes for those of us already familiar with the Autobots and the Decepticons. I know that the other jokes are there for the kids but I did hope that it would be a little bit more mature, for a while there it really felt lika a kids movie (which it probably is BTW).
Here’s my suggestions for an enhanced cut of the movie; add more shots from Cybertron that exposes more of the backstory, less time playing hide and seek in a backyard and definitely get rid of the jokes with various creatures peeing on each other.
But hey, on a whole I really did have a great time! Did you enjoy the Transformer comics when you were a kid? Did you enjoy playing with any of the toys? If the answer is yes to any of those two questions you should definitely go and visit your local movie theatre, this is a movie that you should experience on a big screen!
My rating is 4.5 out of 5 stars, and I’m looking forward to the (probably) inevitable sequels!
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June 9th, 2007 by Christian Kullander
I watched Next a few days ago. It was far from perfect but I must confess that i really enjoyed it! Lots of people seem to be disappointed by the ending but if you look at the story as a whole you realize that we might only have seen a small part of the total story, which I find fascinating. Unfortunately it’s hard to get into any details without spoilers.
The story of Next does have a few strange things; who are the terrorists? What were they motivated by? It would also be nice to have some kind of explanation or theory on how Cris (Nicolas Cage) was limited to seeing only two minutes into the future with the exception of events that involved Liz (Jessica Biel).
Somehow a federal agent discovers that Cris has some kind of future-telling ability and tries to recruit him to help her find a nuclear bomb that has gone missing and is thought to be in the hands of a terrorist group. Cris is not very fond of the idea, and if he uses his ability he is very hard to catch, as demonstrated in a cool sequence in the beginning of the movie.
My major problem with the movie is as stated above the strange terrorist plot, I don’t mind that the terrorists aren’t the stereotypical “Hollywood muslims” but it would sure be nice to know who they really are. There are also some strangeness around the two-minute limitation on the ability to see the future that doesn’t quite make sense, for instance that Liz is told to wait 5 minutes before doing something to avoid Cris from seeing it. After 3 minutes of waiting it will of course be 2 minutes until she does it…
If you are a science fiction fan that likes a bit of action I’m sure that you will enjoy Next! My rating is 4 stars out of 5.
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May 22nd, 2007 by Christian Kullander
Wow. The first season of “Heroes” was great. The ending of Volume One did feel a bit anticlimactic for me though, but I really liked the ending teaser for Volume Two. And I do appreciate that the season didn’t end with a huge cliffhanger unlike a few other shows…
I didn’t have any high expectations when I watched the first episode last year, but after a few episodes I, like a lot of you out there, was hooked. It felt refreshing that Heroes in comparison with Lost actually delivered answers to the questions and mysteries without adding more of them. Following the timid but very eager Hiro, the mysterious Sylar, the almost indestructible blonde cheerleader Claire and the other characters each week has been a lot of fun! Although it sometimes reminded you of the X-men (without Professor X and the costumes) it still felt fresh and I really look forward to the next season. And of course it will be quite nice to have “Heroes: Origins” to fill the gap during the season break next year, let’s just hope it’s as good as the original!
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May 18th, 2007 by Christian Kullander
Danny Boyle and Alex Garland did a great job with 28 Days Later and after reading a lot about it and having watched the trailer I was really looking forward to Sunshine. I recently caught a viewing of it at the local multiplex and although it wasn’t a masterpiece I did like it quite a lot! You might want to stop reading here if you want to avoid (minor) spoilers.
The movie is set 50 years into the future and follows the crew of the ship “Icarus II” on their mission to save our planet from disaster, caused by the sun dying. The reason for the ship being named Icarus II is that this is the second and final attempt to re-ignite the sun, which certainly adds quite a lot of pressure… There’s a nice mix of international crew members, each with pretty distinct roles and the characters are well developed considering the amount of screen time alotted to each of them. It’s nice seeing Cillian Murphy not being a villain, and he does a great job as the hero of the movie. The pacing is excellent, it starts out gentle and slow with an introduction to the characters and the ship and then starts to pick up speed gradually, ending in a state of panic.
There are some obvious sources of inspiration or references to works such as 2001: A Space Odyssey, Alien, and although it has been a while since my last viewing of Event Horizon, 28 Days Later to some extent feels like a better version of it.
I do have a few issues with the movie, some parts seem realistic, but other things such as the space ships having artificial gravity and of course the basic premise of a large nuclear fission bomb being able to re-ignite the dying sun are a bit annoyingly unrealistic. The movie also has some horror movie elements (which is why it reminds me of Event Horizon) which works for me, but I believe I would have liked the movie even more without them. Parts of the events are pretty stupid, the ship A.I. needs to be asked detailed questions to give the crew information that should in fact have caused it to raise an alarm, it also permits the crew making stupid mistakes in one instance but then later overrides them competely to protect the ship and the mission. But I am able to ignore these faults and instead enjoy the ship design, the supberb CGI shots of the sun and the really good acting.
My rating is 4 out of 5 stars – buy the DVD when it comes out if you don’t get a chance to view it on the big screen! And for my fellow Swedes: watch out for the shots of winter-time Stockholm posing as a frozen Sydney!
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May 13th, 2007 by Christian Kullander

If you want an effortless and thrilling reading experience you can’t go wrong if you pick up one of Matthew Reilly’s books. Reading “Seven Deadly Wonders” (7DW) is almost like watching a movie or a TV show, the writing style is very script-like. Reilly also includes numerous simple illustrations to more easily let you visualize the different environments in the story.
Reilly probably isn’t what you would call a Science Fiction writer but 7DW definitely incorporates some SF themes, mostly (near) future technologies and some other things that requires some suspension of disbelief. Reilly himself describes 7DW in an interview included in the book as “a ‘modern real-world fantasy novel’ … in which hyper-real things happen in hyper-real environments”.
The story of 7DW is fairly simple; we have the heroes consisting of a small team of soldiers of various nationalities, a young girl and an old man dubbed Wizard. Up against them are two different enemies, one of them is a faction of the US army, the other a coalition of European countries such as Germany and France. The bulk of the story is an Indiana Jones-like archeological race to visit the remains of the seven wonders of the world and claim the different items hidden there that is needed to save the world from a disaster. At each site there are deadly traps which needs to be defeated and the illustrations mentioned before is a great help when trying to visualize them.
Reilly mixes in lots of different themes, the SF aspect included in some. The background story is a mix of real facts and fiction, which works rather well. The conspiracy theories involved will probably remind you of The Da Vinci Code, which actually is referenced in the story, Reilly’s comment: “if you do write a story about Catholic Church conspiracy theories or one which has a scene set in the Louvre, you should probably make a Da Vinci Code joke!”.
7WD definitely is a thrilling read and was a perfect companion on a recent 4 hour train ride. The writing style of Reilly is very uncomplicated and thankfully does not rely on tricks such as including mini cliff-hangers at the end of each chapter like Dan Brown employs in for instance The Da Vinci Code. (Can you tell that I’m not a fan of that style of writing? To me it feels like a cheap trick to make it harder for you to put the book down, the easy way out is of course to just continue half a page or so into the next chapter.)
The characters of the story are very movie-like, the good guys are very good and the bad guys very bad. I wish that we could have gotten to know some of the major characters a bit more. Mixing in flashbacks going back several years only increases my feeling of the story being constructed like an adventure movie or perhaps like one of the recent hit TV shows like Lost or Heroes.
As a whole I liked this book, and would recommend it to anyone who likes this kind of story, my rating is 3 stars out of 5. And if you haven’t already, take a look at Reilly’s other books; “Contest” and “Ice Station”, they are pretty good reads as well!
Posted in Books, Reviews | No Comments » | Views: 1671
May 7th, 2007 by Christian Kullander
Welcome to this most humble of blogs. I have always been a great fan of science fiction, mostly books but of course also movies and TV shows. This is a place where I plan to put all my thoughts about all of these type of SF and probably also mix it with some Fantasy related stuff.
In addition to the blog part of the site I have big plans for other things I feel aren’t available on the web in a form that suits me at this time. I will get back to you on this (if?) when I get the necessary time.
Last weekend I visited Stockholm and of course I just happened to stop by SF Bokhandeln, Sweden’s larget SF and Fantasy book store… These are the books I picked up:
- “The Second Chronicles of Thomas Covenant” by Stephen Donaldson. I’m currently reading the first trilogy.
- “The Prefect” by Alastair Reynolds
- “Recursion”,
- “Capacity” and
- “Divergence” by Tony Ballantyne
- “Kushiel’s Scion” by Jacqueline Carey
Mostly looking forward to the new Revelation Space story by Reynolds and the second Thomas Covenant trilogy. I’m a huge fan of Donaldson’s SF work and so far I like the story of Covenant as well although I’m not 100% sure that I think it’s great, although I hope some parts of the story-telling will improve when I get further into the mammoth book (currently at page 356 of over 1150 pages).
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April 21st, 2007 by admin
Nothing here yet, but stay tuned!
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