Battlestar Galactica Season 4 sucks?

Or doesn’t it? I’m currently feeling that it does suck, there are some moments of greatness, but on the whole it seems like not much has happened since the first episode of the season.

Chris McQuillan over at Sci-Fi Heaven has summarized what’s wrong with BSG this season in a really nice post; Has Battlestar Galactica lost its way?

While BSG has dropped the ball I must say that I’ve really enjoyed watching Lost this season, the last episode Cabin Fever was great!

4 Responses to “Battlestar Galactica Season 4 sucks?”

  1. Scott says:

    I agree with season 4 sucking and have blogged about this myself.

    I’d like to know what others think. :)

  2. MichaelB says:

    Yes this season four sucks. It’s boring, way to plot-twisty and not even interesting. Hey, I know… let’s bring back Xena! Everyone else is immortal so why not? Oh yeah, and it turns out Adama is actually the President’s father, who was married to Caprica Six, but this was really 100 years ago on Alpha Centauri. But then they made the battlestars when Earth declared war on Kobol before the 12 colonies lived on the moon with Tigh…


  3. [...] while back I wrote about season four of Battlestar Galactica, since then the season improved a lot and I’ve really enjoyed most of [...]

  4. a says:

    The problem, in my opinion, is quite simple. If you take a careful look at the time distribution in each episode, you will see that there are almost no dogfights, neither planetary missions with ambushes (like when they try to get the arrow from Kobol…). there are almost no shootings. And, in the end…. season four ends up being a “sitcom” rather than a sci-fi/action series.

    I have episodes 17 to 20 to watch, and I donĀ“t know if I will make it…. =(

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